Thomas Erastus, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Thomas Erastus

Swiss theologian

Date of Birth: 07-Sep-1524

Place of Birth: Baden, Aargau, Switzerland

Date of Death: 31-Dec-1583

Profession: physician, theologian, university teacher

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Thomas Erastus

  • Thomas Erastus (original surname Lüber, Lieber, or Liebler; September 7, 1524 – December 31, 1583) was a Swiss physician and theologian.
  • He wrote 100 theses (later 75) in which he argued that the sins committed by Christians should be punished by the State, and that the Church should not withhold Sacraments as a form of punishment.
  • They were published in 1589, after his death, with the title Explicatio gravissimae quaestionis.
  • His name was later applied to Erastianism.

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