Grethe Kausland, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Grethe Kausland

Norwegian actor and singer

Date of Birth: 03-Jul-1947

Place of Birth: Horten, Vestfold, Norway

Date of Death: 16-Nov-2007

Profession: actor, singer, television actor, film actor

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Grethe Kausland

  • Grethe Kausland (July 3, 1947 – November 16, 2007) was a Norwegian singer, performer and actress.
  • As a child star she was one of Norway's most popular singers (her debut single “Teddyen min” from 1955, sold more than 100 000 records), and she participated in several films as a child.
  • She represented Norway in the European Song Contest 1972 singing SmĂĄting with Benny Borg.
  • From 1973 she performed regularly with the entertaining group Dizzie Tunes.
  • Awarded "Spellemannprisen" 1978 for the album A Taste of Grethe Kausland, and "Leonardstatuetten" 1991 for her achievements on the revue scene. She died from lung cancer on November 16, 2007 in Oslo, Norway.

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