Maximilian Voloshin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Maximilian Voloshin

Russian poet

Date of Birth: 16-May-1877

Place of Birth: Kiev, Ukraine

Date of Death: 08-Nov-1932

Profession: writer, poet, translator, painter, journalist, literary critic, essayist

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Maximilian Voloshin

  • Maximilian Alexandrovich Kirienko-Voloshin (Russian: ??????????´? ??????´??????? ?????´???-????´???), commonly known as Max Voloshin (May 28, 1877 – November 8, 1932), was a Russian poet.
  • He was one of the significant representatives of the Symbolist movement in Russian culture and literature.
  • He became famous as a poet and a critic of literature and the arts, being published in many contemporary magazines of the early 20th century, including Vesy, Zolotoye runo ('The Golden Fleece'), and Apollon.
  • He was known for his brilliant translations of a number of French poetic and prose works into Russian.

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